Flip School

Author: HLP

Scorecard Categories Addressed

  • Education
    • K-12 School Quality
    • Population with High School Degree

Solution Description

A Flip School is when the teacher records their lectures and distribute these to the students to view outside of class time. For example, the distribution could occur on a school web site or public web site like YouTube.

Classroom time is then spent interacting with the students. This may be discussions, small group problem solving, doing homework problems, etc.

Some situations that Flip Schools appear to prosper:

  • Minimum adult supervision making sure homework is completed
  • Long travel times such as rural schools

Stakeholder Impact

Families with Kids
Higher quality schools.

No direct impact.

Better educated work force that is less likely to need subsidized services.

Better educated work force.

Case Study

Clintondale High School, Metro Detroit

Quotes from this article:

"Clintondale High School – a financially disadvantaged high school located outside of Detroit. Our school has been in debt for the past decade, and during the recession our area suffered immensely. 74 percent of our 570 students qualify for the free or reduced lunch program, 38 percent receive special education services and 70 percent are a racial minority."

"Two years ago, the failure rate in our school was 61.2%. Using a flipped instructional model, with no other operational, funding or structural changes to our teaching methods, facilities or staff, it is currently 10.8%."

Before flipping the entire school:
"implement the flipped class model in six 9th grade classrooms for an entire school year, ... At the end of the year, we saw a reduction in our overall ninth grade student failure rate in English Language Arts (from 52 percent to 19 percent), math (44 percent to 13 percent), science (41 percent to 19 percent), and social studies (percent 28 percent to 9 percent). Overall, our ninth grade failure rate was reduced by 30 percent in just one year as a result of this new model."

"Our eleventh grade students were going to be taking the Michigan Merit Exam / ACT, so we decided to use the flipped model to prepare them for the math portion of the exam while using the traditional model for the other subjects. When we received the scores back for the 114 students, there was an 8 percent increase in student proficiency in mathematics, while student proficiency flat-lined or declined in the other subjects."

"Reversing our school’s instructional model has shown that we can provide equality in schools, no matter the school’s financial standing."

Woodland Park, Colorado
Quotes from the web page:

"One of the problems we noticed right away about teaching in a relatively rural school is that many of our students missed a lot of school due to sports and activities. The nearby schools are not nearby. Students spent an inordinate amount of time on buses traveling to and from events. Thus, students missed our classes and struggled to stay caught up."

"in the spring of 2007, we began to record our live lessons using screen capture software. We posted our lectures online so our students could access them."

"The flipped classroom has not only changed our classrooms, but many teachers from around the world have adopted the model and are using it to teach Spanish, Science, Math, elementary, middle, high school, and adults. We have presented all over North America and have seen how flipping your classroom can change kids' lives."

"One of the greatest benefits of flipping is that overall interaction increases: Teacher to student and student to student. Since the role of the teacher has changed from presenter of content to learning coach, we spend our time talking to kids. We are answering questions, working with small groups, and guiding the learning of each student individually."

"When students are working on an assignment and we notice a group of students who are struggling with the same thing, we automatically organize the students into a tutorial group. We often conduct mini-lectures with groups of students who are struggling with the same content. The beauty of these mini-lectures is we are delivering "just in time" instruction when the students are ready for learning."

Bullis School, Potomac, MD

The teacher compares the results from the previous year with the results from the next year in which she taught using the flip school method for her AP Calculus class.

Quotes from this article
"Grades were HIGHER this year in all three trimesters, 2%, 3%, and 4%, respectively."

"And then comes the all-important AP Exam results:"


"I realized that students were teaching one another instead of me having to do the majority of in-class instruction.

My students were becoming independent learners - a pleasant side effect of the experience. I must emphasize that flipping my classroom was not about creating more work for my students. It was about changing the type of work that they did at home and changing the class experience. Remember, my goal was to reduce anxiety, not create more of it!"

Additional Information

University of Michigan: Note for the Dean of College of Engineering

Free online college classes.

Problem Motivation

Too many of our schools are not educating our kids well.